Visitors may have noticed that there hasn’t been much activity on this blog of late.
This is really because there hasn’t been much Group Chairman activity of late. Or indeed any Group Chairman activity at all.
It’s all down to unfortunate timing really.
I was approached to take on the role after out AGM back in late May. Our District Commissioner (who is acting GSL) and I exchanged a few e-mail as I wanted to establish what exactly the terms of reference are - Bring a complete newbie I wanted to make sure that I understood the role and that I was confident that I could do what was expected.
We kind of came to a settled agreement and then the DC went off on holiday. I then didn’t hear anything else for a few weeks until the last Cubs meeting before the summer break when I had a chat with the Group Secretary who happened to be there when I picked my eldest up.
The Group Sec is again someone just helping out as his real ‘Job’ is
His view was that I should pick up the reigns after being introduced at the next Executive meeting which is scheduled for some time in September.
Part of my hesitance about agreeing to take on the role was pretty much down to the fact that there isn’t a permanent GSL or Group Secretary. It’s probably not a problem if you know the ropes but for the uninitiated it’s a little daunting.
So September it is.
In the meantime I did suggest to the Secretary that perhaps we should introduce a more formal system of requests for funding from the uniformed sections. Well actually just introduce a system is probably more accurate. The idea being that these can be tabulated and then approved or deferred as projects by the Executive Group.
Traceability and accountability and all those good things. I think it’s important that the parents can easily see where the money goes. And that where possible fundraising is targeted towards identifiable projects.
I also thought it might be a good idea for the members of the Exec to be more fully briefed as to their responsibilities as Charitable Trustees. If one is potentially liable I don’t think it’s unreasonable that those involved are aware of that fact and what the Charity Commissions guidance is.
The acting Group Sec probably humouring me said he would send an e-mail to everyone asking for bids to get the process rolling – I don’t have everyone’s contact details yet.
Ahh the professional bureaucrat on a busman’s holiday.